Staff Solutions

For New & Existing Agencies

We launched this service because we found that agencies that had hired us for our Bootcamp and/or Overwatch services had staff who were incapable of achieving the standards Jennifer had set for a high-performing office. The excellent content of both the Bootcamp and Overwatch programs was essentially lost on LSPs that were not the right people in the right seats. We just can’t make bricks without clay!

We help you, the Agency Owner find those “gems in the rough”. You don’t need any hire in any role, you need the right hire in the right role. There are service people and there are salespeople. Our vetting process minimizes the cost and time of bad hires.

If you’ve found that you are spending too much time and money on hiring the wrong people and having them sit in the wrong seats, our Agency Aces program was created specifically to address this pain point. 

Where other companies focus on getting a person hired, we have the expertise to identify the right people for the right seats in your agency. Jennifer West, founder, and CEO of Agents of Change Training Center will be the one personally vetting and interviewing your staff!

The goal of this program is to get the Ace in the right place.

$2000 for the first hire, $1,000/Hire thereafter

Change Starts with


Specialized Program:

We help you find the right person for the right job that will elevate your agency results. Dates fill up quickly so make sure to register and get started today! Have a question?

why agencies are turning to us for

Superior, Practical, Tangible & Personal Training, Mentoring, Consulting, Coaching & Reporting

for vetted expert staff cultivation

Want to radically change the success rate of your agency? Our range of comprehensive industry-leading services offers a wide variety of benefits that are necessary to implement in order to build a foundation of success for your business and increase the production of your LSPs.

why agencies are turning to us for

Superior, Practical, Tangible & Personal Training, Mentoring, Consulting, Coaching & Reporting

for vetted expert staff cultivation

Want to radically change the success rate of your agency? Our range of comprehensive industry-leading services offers a wide variety of benefits that are necessary to implement in order to build a foundation of success for your business and increase the production of your LSPs.